Showing 43 to 48 of 70 Results

Stay Healthy for the Holidays

Friday, November 10,2023
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2023 … Continue reading Stay Healthy for the Holidays

Stay Healthy for the Holidays

Friday, November 10,2023
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2023 … Continue reading Stay Healthy for the Holidays
Young businesswoman using a tissue while sneezing in the office.

Flu Season is Upon Us!

Monday, September 18,2023
Flu season is upon us! Take Precautions to Prevent Flu… Continue reading Flu Season is Upon Us!

High Temperatures in Georgia Raise Health Concerns

Tuesday, August 22,2023
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 22, 2023 … Continue reading High Temperatures in Georgia Raise Health Concerns

High Temperatures in Georgia Raise Health Concerns

Tuesday, August 22,2023
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 22, 2023 … Continue reading High Temperatures in Georgia Raise Health Concerns

Georgia Sees Uptick in COVID Cases

Friday, August 18,2023
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 18, 2023 Georgia Sees… Continue reading Georgia Sees Uptick in COVID Cases